Sunday, April 18, 2010

so much thinking, so little posting!

i just had to pop by for a quick minute to let you know that:

a) i haven't forgotten about you, blog
b) i still totally care, a lot
c) i just attended 4 awesome days of the national art education association conference and have so many thoughts percolating in my brain (AND i met visual culture gurus/demi-gods kerry freedman and kevin tavin!)
d) i keep having to push those exciting thoughts to the back of my brain to tend to more pressing matters

i'll be back soon i swear (see above, re: so many things in the brain)! i'll leave you with this image and its multi-faceted implications as a piece of visual culture:
plus, it's funny.


  1. ugh--- beth you remind me JUST HOW LONG IT'S BEEN since i posted on this blog!

    i think about it often, and even have a running list of "oh! that'd be a great post!" ideas that just sit in my notebook instead of out in the blogosphere.

    but i'm glad you think it's funny too. it cracks me up.
